I think it’s fair to say we have all heard the saying ‘Laughter is the best Medicine’. It is scientifically proven that when you smile at someone, that person will automatically smile back unknown to themselves. However, trying to stay happy, positive and inspired can be a challenge in itself. Everybody gets ‘down in the dumps’ at some stage in their life. It is important not to get too caught up in life’s drama and take a moment to relax and breath. Here is a list of techniques and tips on how to get inspired!


1:  Organize!

Messy house and work space means a messy mind! Organize all that clutter in your life, maintain a timetable, manage your time,keep your house and personal space clean. Sort your priorities out and organize what you need to do to complete them.


2. Don’t Quit!

When something gets too hard or difficult or you have simply decided you’ve had enough of it, take a step back and take a break from it, look at it later with a fresh mind. Don’t abandon tasks because you feel that they can’t be completed. Later on you may have  an idea spark that will finish that task!

3. Keep a Diary

Keep a diary, Write all your thoughts and ideas down on paper, not only is it a hobby, it is also a great way to relieve stress and tension.  Keeping a diary sparks creativity ad will allow you to recall thoughts that you found paticulary iteresting!


4. Listen to inspirational music ♫

Listening to relaxing and meaningful music can act as a form of therapy. Inspirational lyrics can motivate you and give you a feeling of happiness. Listening to relaxing rhythms and instrumentals can also help you focus and concentrate better!

5. Exercise!

Exercising is the ultimate form of motivation. Not only are you eating healthy you are also providing yourself with a healthier mind and lifestyle. Exercise can relieve stress and frustration and provide you with sense of accomplishment.


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